Fall Detection


For the elderly, falling and not being able to get up or summon help is a very scary prospect and happens frequently enough that it is a public safety concern in certain communities. Fear of falling can keep elderly from participating in activities, accelerate depression and decrease social activities all of which leads to a reduced quality of life. IoT-based fall detection systems alleviate the fear of not being discovered after a fall which can help elderly to live an active, normal life.

Fall is the second incident that leads to death over the world. Fall event happens to numerous groups of people consist of elderly, babies and also younger people. Admittedly, fall-related research must be considered as one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. For this reason, Internet of Things (IoT) is the emerging technology and a powerful candidate to develop fall diagnosis system in three stages of fall as Prediction, Prevention, and Detection. 


  1. Reduce the time elderly remain on the floor after a fall which could lead to other medical conditions with severe consequences
  2. Reduce significant public health issue as up to 35% of people 65+ over and up to 42% of people 70+ over experience a fall
  3. Easy to set up since sensors do not need to be connected to a power source – an entire building can be equipped in less than a day
  4. Reduces cost as low-power operation ensures sensor batteries can last up to 20 years
  5. Reduce the impact and consequences of falls among the elderly by detecting and reporting their occurrence.